AFROSAI-E Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) Abridged Guideline 2022

The AFROSAI-E institutional capacity-building framework enables and supports member-SAIs to develop and sustain their role and capacity.

The ICBF provides information and insight to member-SAIs, and can be used in the following ways:

  • For general self-assessments, enabling SAIs to identify areas of improvement and how these can be achieved from an institutional perspective (own capacity building). This will provide information to management to guide their strategies and to track progress against planned initiatives.
  • Benchmark self-assessment results against other SAIs through the annual state of the region report. The target is level 3 of the maturity framework, and, going forward, members that have already achieved level 3 should better assist members that are still below target.
  • Collective knowledge enables the Secretariat to better understand the needs in the region and to responsively allow for the development of learning interventions.
  • When development partners and donors interact with SAIs, they can also use the ICBF information to better understand a SAI’s requirements and to focus on bilateral agreements.

As such, the ICBF is primarily a framework for the SAI to support its endeavours to reach level 3 and beyond in the best possible way. It is not only an instrument for self-assessment. It can also be used as a quality control management system of the SAI that can be deployed together with other capacity-building models. It is important that when using the guideline, the focus is on how the SAI can improve its results and, thereby, its position in relation to its counterparts in the INTOSAI community.

This abridged ICBF guideline includes guidance on how SAIs can rate the annual survey questions based on selected indicators in the detailed ICBF guideline.