Making a Difference in the Performance of SAIs

AFROSAI-E is a member-based institution with 26 Auditors-General from English-speaking African countries making up our Governing Board. The organization was established in 2005 with the shared vision to make a difference in the performance of our member Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs). Through our Executive Secretariat, which is hosted by the Auditor-General of South Africa, members are empowered to optimise their audit performance to comply with the INTOSAI Standards for Supreme Audit Institutions (ISSAIs) and to strengthen their institutional capacity to effectively implement their mandate.


We commit to cooperate with and support our member SAIs to enhance their institutional capacity to successfully fulfil their audit mandates, thereby making a difference to the lives of citizens





For more information, refer to our Statutes or Integrated Annual Reports



Our strategic vision for 2020 to 2024

The ultimate achievement of the outcomes as detailed in this strategic plan, is dependent on successfully matching SAI needs with the secretariat-driven capacity development opportunities / interventions and SAIs taking ownership to implement these learnings at SAI-level.

Strategic Goals:

  • 1

    Professionalising public
    sector accountancy

  • 2

    Empower SAIs for greater
    audit impact and quality

  • 3

    Transform SAI organisational
    capabilities for greater impact

  • 4

    Lead by example and
    deliver on our mandate

For more information, refer to our Strategic Plan 2020-24



Institutional Capacity Building Framework

In responding to the changes, pressures and challenges in the public sector, SAIs should continuously develop their professional and institutional capacity to discharge the requirements of their mandates in the most efficient and effective way. One of the methods used to measure capabilities of SAIs is the AFROSAI-E Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) – developed to support the formulation of goals and objectives and to direct the SAI’s activities.

To measure impact over our strategic plan period, we will use the ICBF results as a theory of change.

5 Development Levels of the ICBF

  • 1

    The Founding Level
  • 2

    The Development Level
  • 3

    The Established Level
  • 4

    The Managed Level
  • 5

    The Optimised Level

5 Development Areas in the ICBF

What is covers

Independence as formulated in the Lima Declaration (ISSAI 1) and the Mexico Declaration (ISSAI 10)

What it Includes

  • Constitutional/legal

  • Financial & managerial
    /administrative autonomy

  • Independence of the
    Head of SAI and staff

Audit mandate and discretion to discharge its function with access to information

Publish and disseminate audit reports with direct submission of reports to Parliament

SAI reports on own activities and use of resources and audited by independent external auditor


International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions in Africa

AFROSAI-E is the English language subgroup of AFROSAI, the African branch of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Institutions. AFROSAI-E performs an enabling role in the region by sharing information with its members and supporting them towards the better performance of their mandates.

Our Donors and Partners

It is gratefully acknowledged that the achievement and aspiration of AFROSAI-E would not be possible without the encouragement and ongoing support of other international institutions.

partners and donors logo

  • Audit

  • Human Resources

  • Finance

  • Capacity Building

The AFROSAI-E Leadership Structure

Our Governing Board consists of the heads of the 26 member SAIs and is the supreme authority. The Board members meet annually, and each Auditor-General is assigned to serve on one of the four oversight subcommittees:

AFROSAI-E Governance Structure



What it Includes

  • Attend events and meetings
    as required

  • Apply quality assurance

  • Pay annual membership fees

Actively participate in activities of AFROSAI-E

Provide Secretariat with information as required

Share professional and technical information

Use products developed by AFROSAI-E

Share and use regional subject matter experts

Commit to high level of technical advancement

Commit to high level of management practices


Committed to the Cause, Passionate about People

The Auditor-General of South Africa hosts the Executive Secretariat of AFROSAI-E. The Secretariat is subject to the laws of South Africa and is furthermore governed by the Statutes and Regulations. The employment arrangements of the Secretariat personnel consist of a mixture of staff seconded from other SAIs, staff appointed and funded directly by AFROSAI-E and staff funded by the AGSA (as shown below).

Meisie Nkau

Meisie Nkau

Chief Executive Officer

+27 (0)10 286 0104
Ext: 118

[email protected]

Josephine Mukomba

Josephine Mukomba

Executive Officer

+27 (0)10 286 0104
Ext: 109

[email protected]

Wynand Wentzel

Wynand Wentzel

Executive Officer

+27 (0)10 286 0104
Ext: 119

[email protected]

Anashree Chetty

Anashree Chetty

Personal Assistant

+27 (0)10 286 0104
Ext: 100

[email protected]

Reg. Audit
Perf. Audit
Inst. Strengthening


A Roadmap for Ethical Business Practise

The Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct embodies the new core values of AFROSAI-E and summarises key ethical principles that
must be used to guide work practices. Its purpose is to direct and provide guidance to the Secretariat’s staff as well as resources performing work on behalf of AFROSAI-E, on how they should behave and conduct themselves.
This Code of Conduct was updated to align it with our 2020-2024 Strategic Plan and ISSAI 30.

This Code of Conduct has been in effect as of 23 April 2020


Transparent, Safe and Accountable Environment

The purpose of the policy is to ensure that there is a framework and a mechanism for the transparent and consistent handling of complaints lodged against AFROSAI-E or its staff. A further purpose of the policy is to promote a safe, accountable and responsive work environment for staff who disclose information of occupational detriment, or unlawful or corrupt conduct by AFROSAI-E or its staff.

This Policy has been in effect as of 23 April 2020