During the 2017 Technical Update, we adopted the Financial Audit Manual (FAM) and Compliance Audit Manual (CAM) as the official AFROSAI-E audit manuals. We have since held sub-regional workshops to train trainers on the new methodology and in-country customisation workshops to address country specific requirements. Throughout these activities as well as at the 2019 Technical Update and Refresher Workshops, we have gained valuable insights on lessons learnt and challenges in adopting the new methodology. To ensure a smooth transition in moving forward with the new methodology, we are planning a sub-regional FAM/CAM workshop for Southern African SAIs. The workshop will take place from 2 – 6 March 2020 in Pretoria, South Africa.
Some of the key issues that we will address during the workshop include:
For SAIs and individuals to gain the most from this workshop, nominees should ideally be currently involved in either financial audit, compliance audit or quality assurance.