Focus Area

Performance Audit Prize


Andrew Kellei



Is an annual prize for the best performance audit report in the AFROSAI-E region



SAI performance auditors


that demonstrates how to produce a performance audit and implement the ISSAIs


to encourage the development of performance audits in the region and highlight efforts made by individual performance auditors

Link to ICBF

Assists a SAI to improve the levels of all the questions within Domain 4: Audit standards and methodology

  • Ensuring the performance audit manual is compliant with ISSAIs and other good practices (Question 121)
  • Ensuring regular reviewing and updating of the performance audit manual (Question 122)
  • Ensuring the performance audit manual is customised to fit the SAI’s specific country requirements (Question 123)


Making a difference in the performance of SAIs

10 Hilden Rd, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria 0081

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