Regional Workshop: IntoSAINT Moderators training

Pretoria Pretoria, South Africa

We plan to train regional IntoSAINT moderators in January and February 2023 before starting with the roll-out of the SAI integrity assessments. The moderators’ training aims to create a community of practice amongst the participating SAIs. The training for IntoSAINT moderators will take place as a combination of online and face-to-face workshops. Attending all sessions…

Online Regional Workshop: Cyber Security Assessment Lead Implementor & ITSA/ITASA Moderator Training

AFROSAI-E is developing guides and assessment tools that SAIs can use to assess the state of their cyber security. Together with tools like the IT Self-Assessment (ITSA) and IT Audit Self-Assessment (ITASA), these tools will help SAIs develop needed technology capacity. The objective of the Cyber Security Assessment Lead implementor and ITSA/ITASA Moderator Training is…

West Africa Sub-regional Workshop: Financial and Compliance Audit for Senior Management

Senegambia Beach Hotel Senegambia Beach Hotel, Kololi, Gambia

During the 2021 Technical Update, the revised Financial Audit Manual (FAM) and Compliance Audit Manual (CAM) were launched as the official AFROSAI-E Regularity Audit manuals. As part of our regional rollout strategy, we plan to train senior managers at sub-regional workshops before starting with in-country workshops. This will ensure the smooth implementation of the revised…