The IS Audit Champions Programme’s objective is to build practical capacity in the IS audit function of the SAI, to enable them to conduct audits of critical information systems and adequately support financial, compliance and performance auditors in the SAI.
The Programme is targeted at SAIs with established IS Audit sections. It is expected that SAIs nominating staff for the programme commit their teams to take part in all four modules and further support upcoming champions programmes. Additionally, the teams will be expected to conduct specialised pilot audits in the areas covered by the Programme.
The four module workshops will be held as follows:
To ensure we achieve the workshop objective and SAIs gain the most value from this capacity-building intervention, it is crucial that the appropriate staff attend the workshop. We invite SAIs to nominate participants for the workshop who are currently in the IS Audit function and have relevant experience.
When you’ve made your nominations, participants should register online at as soon as possible