In line with our operational plan, we are working to strengthen quality assurance systems and approaches in the region. Our goal is to aid SAIs with creating and strengthening internal quality assurance functions. To realise this goal, we are planning subregional workshops. In addition, we are busy with an ongoing project on the anticipated changes on ISSAI 140 based on ISQM 1 and ISQM 2. With these subregional workshops, we plan to pro-actively sensitise the SAI’s on the upcoming changes to ISSAI 140.
The workshop for the Southern Africa region will take place from 29 August to 2 September 2022 in Pretoria, South Africa. We invite SAIs in this sub-region to nominate participants for the workshop. We recommend the nominated participants include the head of the quality assurance unit, a senior manager and quality assurance staff.
When you’ve made your nominations, participants should register using the online registration form: as soon as possible to secure space for the workshop. Please send queries related to registration to