
SAI Liberia gets hands on with FAM

3 September 2018

< 1 minute

Throughout the AFROSAI-E region, SAIs are taking up the challenge to transition from the Regularity Audit methodology, used since 2010, to the new Financial and Compliance Audit methodologies. SAI Liberia is one of the SAIs taking up this challenge.

During the last week of August, a hands-on training workshop was held in Margibi County, Liberia, on the Financial Audit Manual (FAM) for Managers and Senior Auditors. In opening the session, Auditor General, Yusador S. Gaye, called on participants to see the training as an opportunity to expose themselves to the new methodology. She urged the employees to share ideas and make the exercise a more practical one if they are to get accustomed to the FAM. The training was facilitated by AFROSAI-E regional experts, assisted by SAI Liberia Senior Managers and funded through the European Union 11th EDF programme.

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