For a complete perspective on our performance in 2021, we are pleased to share our comprehensive suite of reports. Each of these reports covers a key aspect of our organisational and regional performance:
2021 Integrated Annual Report: Overview of the organisation’s strategy, governance arrangements, performance information and financial condition, which lead to the creation of value for our members, partners, donors and stakeholders. The report reflects primarily on the Executive Secretariat’s activities on output level, in line with the organisational governance arrangements.
2021 Monitoring and Evaluation Report: Comprehensive and detailed report on our performance for the year under review. The report details the progress against our five-year strategic plan on an output, outcome and, where possible, impact level.
2021 State of the Region: ICBF Self-Assessment Report: This report is based on the results of AFROSAI-E’s Institutional Capacity Building Framework (ICBF) self-assessment questionnaire that member SAIs complete annually. It gives a regional perspective on the performance and progress of member SAIs during the 12-month period against the five institutional domain areas.