One of the highlights of the annual Strategic Review and Governing Board meeting is the announcement of the Best Performance Audit Report award.
The report entitled, “Moving towards sustainable artisanal fishery”, was carried out by Mr Veejay Hauradhun and Mrs Maheshwaree Aubeeluck. This is the first win for SAI Mauritius.
This award recognises SAI efforts to produce performance audit reports of high quality, timeliness and professionalism. The aim of the prize is to benchmark good practices in performance audits and to highlight efforts made by performance auditors.
The independent Review Team concluded that the quality of reports is increasing every year, and that this year’s assessment was more difficult than ever. There was however a unanimous decision by the Review Team, motivating its decision with the following:
The audit is well-motivated with a convincing analysis of risks, it is timely and clearly material in the its field, there is a good congruence between audit objective, audit questions and criteria. The report is well-designed, with the auditors exhibiting a very good awareness of the pitfalls and unintended consequences of the current system. The report is short but full of relevant information and easy to read. It is of clear value for the Parliament.
The Prize is sponsored by the Swedish National Audit Office and the Auditor General, Ms Helena Lindberg, was in Maputo to announce the award.
“Performance auditing is an excellent way for a SAI do demonstrate its value and benefit to the citizens. By providing our parliaments with high quality performance audit reports, carried out independently and in accordance with professional standards, we support accountability and better use of public resources in our countries.” – Ms Helena Lindberg
Congratulations also to the SAIs from Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania, The Gambia, Uganda and Zimbabwe for having nominated reports. A total of 11 reports were in the running for the 2018 Prize. It is particularly encouraging that there were two new contestants nominating good quality reports this year. We hope that SAIs who have not yet participated will follow The Gambia’s and Zimbabwe’s example. AFROSAI-E congratulates Mrs Cheong, the National Audit Office of Mauritius and the performance audit team for this great achievement. We hope that this is an inspiration to all SAIs in the region!