
The Good Financial Governance in Africa programme seeks proposals for an anti-corruption study

16 August 2022

< 1 minute

The Good Financial Governance (GFG) in Africa promotes transparency and accountability in public financial management. The GFG aims to appoint a service provider to support the implementation of an anti-corruption project. This project is a collaboration between AFROSAI-E and the East-African Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities (EAAACA).

The objectives of the assignment are twofold:

  • Research to assess the state of collaboration between SAIs and Anti-Corruption Authorities in six selected East-African countries (Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda).
  • Develop a good practice collaboration framework for SAIs and ACAs.

The Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) invites eligible and professional companies with a local presence in South Africa to participate in this tender. Tender documents are available for downloading until 22.08.2022.

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